IndieCade je objavio popis igara koje će biti dostupne na njihovom E3 štandu i među njima spomenut je Flower za PlayStation Vitu. Kao što je poznato Flower je originalno bio PS3 igra thatgamecompanyja koji su danas najpoznatiji kao developer koji su stvorili hvaljeni PS naslov zvani Journey. PS Vita verzija Flowera će u potpunosti iskorištavati motion i touchscreen kontrole.
Popis igara koje će biti na IndieCade E3 štandu s pripadajućim linkovima i informacijama donosimo vam u cijelosti:
PC igre
7 Grand Steps, Step 1: What Ancients Begat
Mousechief Co.
Platform: PC
Turtle Cream & PokPoong Games
Platform: PC
Platform: PC
Terrible Posture Games
Platform: PC
Platform: PC
Picardy Third Entertainment
Platform: PC
Dominique Pamplemousse in It’s All Over Once The Fat Lady Sing
Deirdra Kiai
Platform: Windows, Mac and iPad
Phoenix Production
Platform: PC
Sandswept Studios
Platform: PC
Thomas Brush
Platform: PC
Studio Bean
Platform: PC
Ryan Green and Josh Larson
Platform: PC
Muse Games
Platform: PC
Robot Loves Kitty
Platform: PC
Parsons New School for Design
Platform: PC
Matt Makes Games Inc.
Platform: PC
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Asteroid Base
Platform: PC
Zach Aikman
Platform: PC
PlayStation Vita
Platform: PS Vita
Platform: PS Vita
Tale of Tales
Platform: iPad
Benjamin Poynter
Platform: Android
Sleeping Beast Games
Platform: iOS
Dumb and Fat Games
Platform: iPad
LOOT Entertainment
Platform: PC and Mobile Devices
Big Games and Card Games
Body Scrub; Lego
USC Game Innovation Lab
USC Interactive Media & Games Division; USC Music school graduate students, U.S. and South Korea
Platform: “interactive Kinect experience”
Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party
KnapNok Games
Platform: WiiU
Matthew Colton Spross
Platform: Physical
Greenfly Studios
Platform: no graphics game for Playstation Move
Die Gute Fabrik
Platform: no-graphics music-enabled game for the PlayStation Move
Brian Schrank
Platform: Social Card Game
Studio Cypher LLC
Platform: Pervasive Big Game
Sifteo Cubes
Die Gute Fabrik
Platfrom: Sifteo Cubes
Sifteo Games Team
Platfrom: Sifteo Cubes
Frank Force
Platfrom: Sifteo Cubes
One Life Remains
Platfrom: Sifteo Cubes
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